Saturday, September 17, 2011


3 things I learnt early on in my life about myself  :

No.1) If you  eat my share of Tandoori chicken I will hunt you down mister so help me God..

No.2) Patience is not my virtue…

No.3) I will NOT be held responsible for my actions if you are dumb enough to call me           before 10 a.m…
NO one interrupts my sleep..

              After long long years of self recriminations and self therapy I have come to accept these things in my life as they are a part of me somehow…Never want to change for anything or anyone…have decided to enjoy my life the way I want it…
                    “Early to bed , Early to rise ,
               Makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise”

 I hate it when people quote such things to me…

Haven’t they noticed that nowhere in those lines is there any mention of joy, happiness??   

So ultimately get up early, go to bed early ,get a long life, retire and then and if you are still alive and kicking you Finally have this epiphany of not stopping for a minute to just do what you want , when you want…Life is strange that way…
Sometimes you can get more excitement from hitting your morning alarm snooze button than seeing the Taj Mahal…

Crazy circus all around us these days….
Gyms gyms all around you…where ever you go you see these weight loss programs , eat healthy mantra floating around…You get so caught up in it that you keep wondering if you are in shape ALL the time…it doesn’t do well for your self esteem as well…not to mention your confidence going down the drain…

So next time someone gives you a lecture about a ‘HEALTHY MIND IN A HEALTHY BODY’ ,NOTE-tell them to take a hike..
 I don’t mean that one should go  totally on a junk food high…Find a middle path…there is one for everything…
So next time someone keeps nagging you about your weight or tells you to join the gym just do what I do and say ‘I am not crazy..I just want a doughnut’

                                  FOR ALL THE FOOD LOVERS OUT THERE
                                                    HAPPY EATING

1 comment:

  1. Art of Living - Eat and Sleep. But when you eat just eat and when you sleep just sleep.
